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Take a peek into my brain.

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Here’s where you get to dive into my creative brain. There’s a whole variety of things for you to browse through and judge me on (don’t worry, you get used to it as a creative). If you like what you see and think we’d work well together, jump over to my contact page and get in touch.

Uniting Digbeth

An area with a bit of a reputation for being a bit of a shit hole that has gone through some intense regeneration in recent years and is now established as the creative district of Birmingham. There’s a lot of history and personality linked to the various areas that make up Digbeth and for this pitch I was tasked with bringing that personality into individual buildings while also creating an overarching brand that gives the people of Digbeth a sense of belonging and community.


A wonderful business with wonderful founders

I’ve had the pleasure to work with and create the visual identity for one of my favourite businesses – The Business of Autism. One of their founders used to be a colleague of mine and never for one moment did I think she had Asperger syndrome (she was diagnosed when she was eight). She’s a determined, driven, talented and caring person who I deeply admire. Don’t get me wrong, we’ve had our professional differences, but that has nothing to do with her Asperger’s – it’s just because we’re both stubborn pain in the arses and we worked closely together for four years! This is the visual identity we developed as a team. I emphasise that this was a team effort because these women have a depth of knowledge of autism that was invaluable to ensuring the brand worked with their audience.


How to make steel framing systems sexy as fuck

voestalpine Metsec plc (no, that’s not a typo, voestalpine use a lowercase ‘v’ in their name) make many things from steel. Amongst them is their Steel Framing System (SFS – structural frames for buildings). After doing extensive R&D and testing, they wanted to go to market with their new developments in a way that would be quite unexpected for their sector. If you’re not sure what the steel framing sector looks like – imagine steel, steel and more steel.

Humanising robots (not killing them)

An artificial intelligence company that specialises in chatbots. They’re on a mission to ‘explore the mind-boggling potential of artificial intelligence and chatbots’. Humans creating brands for robots! This proves we’re still in charge and no drastic action is required! Oh and their founder, Mathew Doel is an incredibly intelligent and inspirational leader – it was a pleasure working with him.


Holy Moly. That’s some tasty art!

I know some pretty awesome people over at Tribera in Birmingham – a digital content agency (seriously, they are brilliant. Get in touch with them if you want to take your brand to the next level through the wizardry that is digital marketing). They called on me to create this vibrant and, well, pretty fucking awesome artwork for one of their clients – Holy Moly – based in Birmingham’s Grand Central.

Reaching for the star…s

Causeway Technologies provide ‘powerful software solutions to transform commercial performance in construction’. What Causeway lack in glamour, they make up for in their willingness to allow us creative professionals to create something fun and interesting – trust me, this is rare. This is a small sample of illustrations we created to match each aspect of their HR offering. Lots of fun and lots of craft.

A tricky subject…

Warwickshire and West Mercia police wanted a campaign to educate their primary audience of 16-24 year old males about the importance of consent with Stop Rape Now (not my line). Can’t ignore these can you?

Rebranding a company we shall not name

They spent a lot of money, we created an awesome brand, they ended up ignoring it and sticking with their vanilla name. Classic. It’s definitely worth showing you though.

Making artificial intelligence less scary

Okra’s brand had been neglected a little in recent times because the owner and genius Loubna Bouarfa (seriously amazing woman) was focusing on development of Okra’s machine learning platform. Her business required a refresh that reflected the original brand that Loubna had created. Check out Loubna’s TEDx talk here. PS, I didn’t put the website together – I’m not a developer.


Quirky illustration

An illustration style developed for Keysoft Solutions…not much else to say really. Cool isn’t it!

I love doing work for free (said no one ever)

This was one of those pitches where they like to get lots of agencies to do lots of work for absolutely no payment. It’s a stupid system and something I’m an advocate for eradicating in our industry. I don’t pitch for work myself (I know I’m fucking good at what I do) because I believe the best creative comes from building a meaningful and trusting relationship with clients – but I do work with agencies who still like to enter the pitch process (each to their own). This particular pitch was for Birmingham City University’s School of Visual Communication and was one of those pitches we didn’t win, but loved working on.


Storage has never been so creative

Based in Birmingham and Christchurch, Cookes Furniture wanted a creative campaign to enter the storage market…why the hell not?

A bold brand for an inspiring man

Greg Hartigan has had to deal with more in his lifetime than most of us would in ten. He’s an inspirational man with the desire to help others through his experiences. Plus, he’s one hell of a nice guy.

An awesome bunch of people

I worked here for over four years. Sadly, the company is no more (not because of this awesome brand but because of reasons I won’t go into) but just before it went bump, we created this incredible brand with the mission of spreading positivity in everything we did. On this project I got to collaborate with some of the most talented people I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with.

Failure is not an option

We worked with Ishida for years. An amazing client to have with such an open mind when it came to creative ideas and campaigns. They provide food processing and quality control for their customers – we provided exceptional customer service and creative for them…if I do say so myself.


A logo is not a brand

But it’s definitely a good starting point. If you’re looking for a logo for £25, you should probably go somewhere else and question your commitment to your brand.


Like what you see? Why not give me a call or send me a message. Providing you’re not a robot, you’re pretty safe.