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Here’s a bit about me

My name is Tristan (Taff or Hulk to my friends – depending on the day I’m having). My background is in graphic design but I don’t like labels and my skillset covers much more than this.

I like to think I was named after a character from an 18th century opera, a knight of the round table, or even a volcanic island in the south Atlantic, but sadly this is not the case. I was actually named after the bloke out of All Creatures Great and Small.

I’m a business owner (Kill A Robot – but you probably already know that because you’re on my website), graphic designer, art director, photographer, furniture maker and tea boy with a passion for print, beautiful creative and the English language. I’m big (literally), loud, opinionated and friendly, with bags of personality. I’m a celebrated chef (in my circle of friends), talented carpenter (providing you like things ‘rustic’), keen explorer (as long as there is a pub at the end), eager cyclist (this actually requires multiple pubs) and clueless dad (to human boy and a canine girl). I don’t like egos, over-complicated creative or tuna – everything else I’m pretty open to.

I work closely with my clients to develop creative that speaks for itself. My skills enable me to produce ideas for campaigns and brands, communicate those ideas clearly and then craft them into beautiful pieces of design and art. These aren’t skills I’ve learned overnight – they are skills I have worked hard for throughout my career, with the help from some very talented individuals along the way.

I don’t really kill robots…that’s just mean

So, if I’m not a badass vigilante robot killer, what do I mean by Kill A Robot? It’s simple really…

We’re in an era of automation. Artificial Intelligence is no longer science fiction and is creeping into all aspects of our lives. We’re already cyborgs – we just carry our tech with us, rather than it being part of us…for now.

To be creative is to connect with people. How do we do this? By making their hair stand on end, their toes curl or their heart race – by making them feel something.

When you see adverts like the Guinness ‘surfer advert’ (tick followed, tock followed) or Nike’s ‘believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything’, they haven’t come from microchips and processors, they’ve come from people – some very clever people, but people nonetheless.

What I believe at Kill A Robot is that as we move into this future of uncertainty, the creative industries must stand against the soulless onset of uncanny valley and remind the people we’re aiming to reach why it’s not only important, but essential that humans continue to connect with humans.

So let’s go and kill all those fucking robots...just kidding. Or am I?

Want to work together? Why not give me a call or send me a message. Providing you’re not a robot, you’re pretty safe.